Flying looks glitchy

Forum Forums Discussion Flying looks glitchy

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  qubc 4 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #24167


    Hi all I am new to this. I got a simple Grid, and everything seem to work out… until the bot tries to fly. Its extremely obvious that its a bot controlling my character

    All below phenomenon occurred during flight from a point a to b(Eg a fly node to a beacon)
    -During flight it takes long pauses and constantly adjusts camera angle despite the route being a strait line.
    -The bot completely take more frequent pauses and adjustment the closer it is to its destination.
    -Eventually when the bot is extremely close to a node in air(Eg a Beacon) it completely stops moving at all.

    From a passive observer the motion looks extremely robotic.
    Did I set something wrong?


    Of course, this behavior is not normal.
    This issue usually indicates one of two things:

    1. There is a keybind conflict in your game settings.
      You can find the detailed explanation of this problem in our Keybinds and Icons Recognition guide.
    2. Another program is constantly interfering and doesn’t allow Miqobot to control your character properly.
      Please verify that your antivirus or firewall doesn’t get in the way and doesn’t freeze Miqobot application.

    If this information doesn’t help, please contact our Tech Support and we will see what we can do:



    I tried my hot keys.
    Seems like flight/diving ascend along with flight/diving angular ascend and descend does not work.

    in short flight/diving descend is the only one working(When i am playing i was able to use space to ascend but space is also signed to jump)

    im not sure if these are affect anything



    seem like i some what resolved this said issue. It is key conflict, just kinda hard to spot at first glance.

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