Fire Crystal help

Forum Forums Discussion Fire Crystal help


This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Arreal 3 years, 5 months ago.

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    So I have SirVG’s crystals scenario and I think it’s running just fine but is there any faster way to just get fire crystals? I don’t mind waiting but at the same time I think either I’m not doing something right or there is a lot of downtime between nodes while getting the collectables to Aetherial Reduction for lightning/fire crystals.



    I found the most efficient way (for straight “AFK” farming) would be to simply locate a node which has fire crystals (i.e. the ones at Mord Souq for BTN 70), and just mine those with Bounty and Giving Land on cooldown. That way has netted me between 2500-3000 crystals per hour.
    If you’re looking to make best use of your time, a custom scenario with the 4-hour nodes in Mor Dhona and gathering something else while waiting for the next node would probably be best.



    Thanks for that, I’ll give that a go next time I get a chance.


    I’ve found that crystals by far require the most farming if crafting high level items en masse (for example, a single Rarefied Lignum Vitae Grinding Wheel + its materials takes a total of 7 fire, 7 ice, and a whopping 28 wind, according to GarlandTools). What I did was I took some time to set up custom nav grids in some fairly inconspicuous locations, and leave Miqo to farm with a rotation of Twelve’s bounty and Giving Land together. Also chugging cordials on cooldown. It still takes awhile if you’re farming for a few thousand, but it’s extremely efficient compared to other methods. Also if you choose good locations (as in, extremely irrelevant to most gatherers’ interests — i.e. mid-level zones without any gatherer quest items), you can literally go for hours without seeing a single other player usually.



    Care to shaare jponry? haha

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