Feature Request – Toggle Image

Forum Forums Discussion Feature Request – Toggle Image

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  theEagleBeaver 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #1885


    Could we get an option to toggle off the Miqo’te with her boobs hanging out on the application windows? It’s a little awkward when other people see that on my screen.


    I know it’s been discussed but I couldn’t find the original topic on it. I remember asking Miqobot if there was anyway to change it to something naughty (lol). If I remember correctly she stated that they plan to add that option in the near future. If that’s the case then it would make sense that the option to just remove it would also be available.


    Yes, both options are already being prepared for release 🙂

    We are still not sure how popular it proves to be, so this feature will be added in experimental mode. Which means these options will be hidden by default and must be enabled manually by editing settings.miqo file.

    Thank you for your requests!

    P.S. If I’m not mistaken, this is your original topic on the matter: https://miqobot.com/forum/forums/topic/my-wish-list/


    To be fair, her boobs are not “hanging out”, and at least 50% of the outfits people wear in the game are more risque, so… lol

    EDIT: I just noticed though, she does have an abnormally long tail. Good lord.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by IceDeathTK IceDeathTK.


    The difference being the image is almost half the height of the screen and on a contrasting background, where the characters in game are much smaller unless you’re zoomed in on them and details are hard to make out. While it may not be an issue for you (I personally don’t mind the image), it draws questions every time someone sees it. It also pops to the front any time a timed activity or craft is finished, which is awkward when I just have the game in background at work.

    The image toggle, along with the “finished” popups, have already been acknowledged by the developer, so this isn’t another complaint, just some perspective.

    It seems like the miqobot logo (the one on the top of the forums) would be more appropriate branding within the program.

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