Favorite gathering spot?

Forum Forums Discussion Favorite gathering spot?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Ai Ai 6 years, 3 months ago.

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    Loving this bot so far leveled my MIN & Bot up to almost 50 already just few hours a day as I try not to leave it unattended.

    So do you have a spot that you love to gather for long periods of time while still checking on it that is both profitable and not overly populated?


    Beeing at the same time profitable and not populated sounds a bit contradictive tbh xD As long as you don’t leave bot to gather for a long period of time, and checking it time from time, it should be fine. You can use gathering scenarios or create your own, so this way you will be even more looking like real player. Also every server has different prices on stuff, so you just check market board on what is in price now and use grids for this resourses^^

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