Error: Crafting is broken

Forum Forums Discussion Error: Crafting is broken

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  bonechene 3 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #32078


    When I’m tabbed out of FFXIV and playing another game, I would get the error in the picture. The craft process doesn’t start and it just sits there until I dismiss the error and tab back to the FFXIV window once. It is pretty annoying and I have wasted a lot of time and mats on this because my food buff runs out before the scheduled amount of crafts and it either fails or doesn’t go HQ. Doesn’t happen when I’m just browsing the internet, only when playing another game while miqobot is running. Has anyone encountered the same problem or have any solution? Thank you.

    craft error



    Works for me, but if I make a macro using final appraisal, the bot keeps repeating the final appraisal and never continues so I have to work around it. Thankfully I’m just doing easy crafts so I can make do for now.


    When I’m tabbed out of FFXIV and playing another game, I would get the error in the picture.

    This issue usually happens under extensive mouse movement, due to the fact that Miqobot does not use code injections.
    In order to prevent this behaviour, please switch your game to Windowed mode and minimize it.

    You can find detailed explanation of the problem in the Known Issues section:

    • An issue wherein Miqobot would fail to move a game cursor, under extensive mouse movement.
      Unfortunately, this can not be fixed without code injections, and we have no plans for implementing code injections.
      Miqobot is aware of this situation, and she will patiently wait for mouse to stop moving before making another attempt. She needs a small fraction of a second (about 0.25 sec) in order to recover from this issue. Under normal circumstances you wouldn’t even notice this behaviour.
      If you want to prevent this behaviour completely, please consider switching the game to Windowed mode and minimizing it, when you run Miqobot in the background. Thus, mouse cursor will not be able to run over the game’s window and will not interfere.

    if I make a macro using final appraisal, the bot keeps repeating the final appraisal and never continues

    Yes, Final Appraisal does not advance the synthesis step and may indeed break your macro.
    However, there is a simple workaround for that. Please create the following ingame macro and put it on your hotbar instead of Final Appraisal:

    /ac "Final Appraisal" <wait.2>
    /ac "Delicate Synthesis"

    Please replace Delicate Synthesis with the action that comes next in your rotation.
    This macro will execute two actions at the same step and will advance the synthesis correctly.

    Please note that this workaround is not required for Crafting Solver. The solver is fully capable of handling Final Appraisal as intended.



    Thank you! I will try this.



    Yes, Final Appraisal does not advance the synthesis step and may indeed break your macro.
    However, there is a simple workaround for that. Please create the following ingame macro and put it on your hotbar instead of Final Appraisal:

    /ac "Final Appraisal" <wait.2>
    /ac "Delicate Synthesis"

    Please replace Delicate Synthesis with the action that comes next in your rotation.
    This macro will execute two actions at the same step and will advance the synthesis correctly.

    Please note that this workaround is not required for Crafting Solver. The solver is fully capable of handling Final Appraisal as intended.

    Thanks for this as well!

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