Endwalker prep?

Forum Forums Discussion Endwalker prep?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Tago 3 years, 6 months ago.

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    Since miqo will be down at least a month or 2 once the expansion hits(crying inside)
    what are you doing to stock up on/prepare for that time without miqo for gathering/gathering etc?



    Most stuff will be obselete so there is no need to stock up.
    Only thing I can think off is stocking up on some crafter materia that will likely be used to pentameld in prep for the savage raid.

    Otherwise it just a guessing game or old stuff will just be obselete.
    Best way is make sure is having 1 or more DoW/DoM retainers so you can get some of the rare material crafters going to need.


    I’m stocking up on crafter materia and gatherer materia. These will sell incredibly well next xpac when crafters have to get new BiS gear, which will certainly use old materia for filler.

    Also, extreme primal materials, because I expect at least some new craftable primal weapons (Shadowbringers was a massive letdown in that aspect, being the first xpac to not release every previous craftable primal weapon for the new jobs), which will sell for millions of gil on release.

    Then I’ll precraft a bunch of leve items from the highest level levequests for crafters, to get a headstart and boost all my crafters to level 81 for the new leves. You can math out how many leves you need to turn in to jump that gap, based on previous exp tables.

    Other than that I don’t know anything special I’ll stock up before the xpac.



    I dont remember where it was shared, but someone made this prep checklist

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