Dungeon Anima weapon support

Forum Forums Discussion Dungeon Anima weapon support

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This topic contains 11 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by Miqobot Miqobot 3 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #31793


    can we PLEASE!!!! get unsynced dungeon anima weapon support



    It takes ages to implement ONE dungeon fully automated, for all classes.

    Just use combat assist and breeze through them.

    Imo, it’s a waste of development resources to support such legacy content.


    Yes, we have plans to add more options to the list of supported dungeons by Miqobot.

    However, implementing a single dungeon takes a full development cycle of 4-8 weeks. Our resources are limited and we can not work on everything at the same time. So before we start working on new dungeons, we have to understand the reason behind this request and why it would be more beneficial for the community than other features.


    On that topic I thought a lot about creating Scenarios for unsynced dungeons and I would like to suggest a few functions, which would let us create reliable dungeon scenarios in my opinion and might be easier to implement and more flexible than a single optimized dungeon:

    1. queueForDungeon
    Let miqo queue yourself up for a dungeon/trial and accept the invite, if the following requirements are met:
    – Unsynced option is ticked
    – A dungeon is already chosen (might be redundant, as the queue button wont allow to queue, if no dungeon is selected)

    2. interactWithObjectByName
    Target an object with the given Name (maybe allow partial match with an additional argument), go near it if needed and it’s close by and interact with it.
    – That will not include handling of any potential dialog or port thats coming up after this.
    – Should have an option to say if Scenario flow should break or not, if Object is not found. Maybe also an option how long miqo will search for it.

    Those are the things needed to reliable queue up for a specific dungeons and interacting with porters/doors/chests etc. I think those are easy things to implement and can serve as a base to create Scenarios for unsynced dungeon runs, without straining resources too much.
    KO-Checkpoints and CatchUp functions are already there and can be used easily here to also handle the shortcut in case of death.

    Additionally to make the fighting parts a lot smoother, there could be those things:

    3. repeatChapterWhileInFight
    Let Miqo repeat the same chapter if the player is in fight
    -> It could be possible to use a combination of target hotkeys and combat macros with sendKey/sendIcon in here. With this, most lower level dungeons could be done solo, because the mechanics in there doesn’t deal a lot of damage but the player will almost one shot any enemy and being in fight and out of fight are good indicators where your progress is at.

    That would be already enough I guess, but it could be even better with those 2 functions:

    4. toggleCombatAssist(on/off)
    Turn on combat assist, turns off automatically after scenario ended
    – For this it needs to be possible to let combat assist run, while scenarios are running. Maybe even need to turn off combat assist when any scenario starts as a safety measure. I know it’s not meant to be used in scenarios, but I didn’t want it to be unmentioned.

    5. waitWhileInFight / targetEnemyWhileInFight
    Wait til the fight is over / When no target and in fight try target an enemy, finished only when not in fight.
    – Give the possibility to let the combat assist run

    I think most dungeons become possible to create scenarios for with only the first 2 or in best case 3 functions. 4 and 5 would be the icing on the cake.
    I don’t know if there is anything else which would be a big problem (except maybe objects which needs to be interacted with quickly), but I think it would be nice to have those functions available.


    Yes, all of these features have already been requested and planned for implementation in the future updates.




    It takes ages to implement ONE dungeon fully automated, for all classes.

    Just use combat assist and breeze through them.

    Imo, it’s a waste of development resources to support such legacy content.

    for a synced dungoen yes for an unsynced one things are alot more lax and yes i want you to run Sohm Al(hard mode) repeatedly till the anima weapon is developed enough to move on to the next stage took 20 runs to get it up one level and 5 alexandrian raids to get it up one level its alot of repeating dungoens grind and as unsynced the the issue is not so much dieing or optimizing DPS as it automating it

    4. toggleCombatAssist(on/off)
    Turn on combat assist, turns off automatically after scenario ended
    – For this it needs to be possible to let combat assist run, while scenarios are running. Maybe even need to turn off combat assist when any scenario starts as a safety measure. I know it’s not meant to be used in scenarios, but I didn’t want it to be unmentioned.

    frankly simply allowing combat assist to work in a scenaro would allow us to make our own unsynced dungoens just make it as sugested above work in an instanced area if your concerned about people abuseing it in the open world 🌏 even queing for a dungoen can be done with current scenario functions


    Whats with all the bold text? Its kinda screaming and painful to read.



    for a synced dungoen yes for an unsynced one things are alot more lax and yes i want you to run Sohm Al(hard mode) repeatedly till the anima weapon is developed enough to move on to the next stage

    My guy, I hate to break it to you, but I did quite a few of the ARR Relics already with assist mode only. No issue, no complaints.

    The only thing I would say Miqo could do is import the work they’ve done with the waypoint system for gathering, and have some rudimentary implementation in the dungeons that would allow people to have or make themselves a “combat” grid, where you would follow waypoints and automatically target things.

    But again, that’s very much unnecessary work for something that will have a very small niche usage. If the Miqo team says it takes 4-8 weeks to implement A DUNGEON, implementing something like this would be a bigger undertaking I’m sure, and I’m not truly sure if the time investment into the feature would actually make it good.

    It’d probably make it good in the future, because people could map and share their own paths for the new dungeons so you could potentially Trust run them, but I’m assuming it would be iffy at best, wonky at worst.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by  Andylynyn.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by  Andylynyn.

    frankly simply allowing combat assist to work in a scenaro would allow us to make our own unsynced dungoens just make it as sugested above work in an instanced area if your concerned about people abuseing it in the open world

    Thank you for your proposal, but we are not going to introduce artifical limits on this feature. It’s not a good idea to invest significant development resources in a major feature pack and then prohibit its use in 80% of the game content.
    When it is released, it will be available for use in private instances and open-world both.

    The only thing I would say Miqo could do is import the work they’ve done with the waypoint system for gathering, and have some rudimentary implementation in the dungeons that would allow people to have or make themselves a “combat” grid, where you would follow waypoints and automatically target things.

    Yes, this is the way we plan to do it for Custom fights and Monster grind feature pack.
    However, a rudimentary system will not work for Combat content. We have to make sure that the system is flexible and functions properly before releasing it to the public. Therefore there are several critical updates that must be implemented before this feature becomes possible.

    But again, that’s very much unnecessary work for something that will have a very small niche usage. If the Miqo team says it takes 4-8 weeks to implement A DUNGEON, implementing something like this would be a bigger undertaking I’m sure, and I’m not truly sure if the time investment into the feature would actually make it good.

    Implementation of this feature will require approximately 3 development cycles of 4-8 weeks each.

    It’d probably make it good in the future, because people could map and share their own paths for the new dungeons so you could potentially Trust run them, but I’m assuming it would be iffy at best, wonky at worst.

    It will not work for running Squadron or Trust Dungeons, because this system will not be capable of performing boss mechanics automatically.
    Without additional algorithms, Miqobot will simply stand in acid puddles and AoE omens. In order for synced dungeons to be supported, we have to manually implement each mechanic in Miqobot source code. This is why it takes a full development cycle to implement a single dungeon.


    frankly simply allowing combat assist to work in a scenaro would allow us to make our own unsynced dungoens just make it as sugested above work in an instanced area if your concerned about people abuseing it in the open world 🌏 even queing for a dungoen can be done with current scenario functions

    Thank you for your proposal, but we are not going to introduce artifical limits on this feature. It’s not a good idea to invest significant development resources in a major feature pack and then prohibit its use in 80% of the game content.
    When it is released, it will be available for use in private instances and open-world both.

    that was only for if you had concerns about people abuseing it outside of dungeons

    It will not work for running Squadron or Trust Dungeons, because this system will not be capable of performing boss mechanics automatically.
    Without additional algorithms, Miqobot will simply stand in acid puddles and AoE omens. In order for synced dungeon to be supported, we have to manually implement each mechanic in Miqobot source code. This is why it takes a full development cycle to implement a single dungeon.

    i get this, im not asking for synced dungeons im asking for unsynced like Garuda EX when your level 80 you can ignore most acid / AoE and boss mechanics till you hit level 70 dungoens and combat assist works 95% of the time in the level 70 bracket dungeons as stated

    the issue is not so much dieing or optimizing DPS as it automating it

    at level 80 you have all the DPS and self healz you need its just the repetitiveness’ of the task gets daunting im not in anyway asking for a fully level synced dungoens

    Side note: sorry about the double post above not sure how that happened

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by r51093 r51093.

    Thank you for the clarification.
    In this case yes, this system is already planned for implementation.

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