Discussion on Trust Dungeon Group Comps

Forum Forums Discussion Discussion on Trust Dungeon Group Comps

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Arc Arc 4 years, 1 month ago.

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    So I wanted to see what everyone’s opinions on the best trust dungeon party comps for efficient speeds. Especially on what classes they prefer to use for their own toon. So far the three fastest classes for my own toon have been SUM, NIN, and MNK. Though since the level 80 trust came out NIN and other melee seem to die more often, slowing the run down.

    So far my own observations for the NPC’s goes as follows

    G’raha > Thancred (if without Ryne)
    Thancred > G’raha (if with Ryne)
    (Ryne can be a boost if you don’t run NIN)

    Alisaie will use LB which can be a dps increase since Miqobot dose not use LB but its mage LB so not the most optimal for dungeon bosses.
    Y’shtola and G’raha wont use LB if you are DPS. Ryne wont use it at all.

    I dont really have to much of an opinion on the healers only that you should never pair Alphinaud with Alisaie or you can expect to die if anything goes wrong at all and G’raha is much better as something else as he has no party dps increase like the others. While G’raha himself is higher dps on healer than the others he does not have the boosts for you like Urianger with the cards or Alphinaud’s pet buff.

    My currant fastest comp that i have timed is me as SMN, Thancred, Ryne, and Urianger for the new 80. Which is usually under 30 min.

    My fastest runs for the old trust dungeons were me as NIN, G’raha, Alisaie, and Urianger. This for qutana ravel and holminister usually ended up around 32-35min but was faster then the comp i currently run for hero’s in the same dungeons.

    I’m curious to know what other people have experienced and their own opinions on the different trust NPC’s and what they have found to be fastest. All of this data is just running and timing with a stopwatch and has no actual dps data from ACT.


    Already started the same discussion in another thread:

    Also, Libra would disagree on this:

    I dont really have to much of an opinion on the healers only that you should never pair Alphinaud with Alisaie or you can expect to die

    In my opinion the best and most efficient setup is:

    When playing as a Tank. Alphinaud, Alisaie, Y’shtola.
    When playing as a Healer. G’raha, Y’shtola, Alisaie.
    When playing as Melee DPS. G’raha, Alphinaud, Alisaie.


    Alphinaud is hands down the best healer, potent shields and a habit of spamming Succor means you have less damage to worry about, especially if you like to keep close to the enemies. Urianger is better for ranged simply because you don’t have to worry about getting hit but, personally the cards do not make up for the somewhat lackluster AI by comparison. I’ve never wiped in a trust, but Urianger has died far more often than Alphinaud…maybe he is too focused on the particle effect of Malefic.

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