seems like stormblood has done some really wonky stuff to the way miqobot grabs item names, at least in the desynth menu. might also effect other areas. I tried desynthing some crap in my inventory and here’s the result.
(6:21:22 PM) Desynthing ‘����EBrass Ring of Crafting�E’. Skill: 54.21. Rate: 100.00%…
(6:21:25 PM) SUCCESS! (67)
(6:21:25 PM) That was the last of them. Anything else to break? ^_^
typing in an item name exactly won’t work, but if you click the “partial match” box it will. not sure where those extra characters are coming from.
This isn’t exactly a major thing since as i said above, it works just fine as long as you check the partial match box. just thought you guys should be aware of it.