Dawntrail 7.16 – Miqobot Status

Forum Forums Discussion Dawntrail 7.16 – Miqobot Status

This topic contains 12 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Miqobot Miqobot 3 weeks, 1 day ago.

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  • #41366

    The recovery process has passed the 90% milestone, and we are now ready to make an official announcement.
    Miqobot will be back online within the next 48 hours.
    But before that, let’s talk about the circumstances the project is currently in.

    As you may know, we are from Ukraine. The past 2.5 years were hard.
    All this time, deep down we knew that this war would continue for a long time and that only a miracle could stop this terror. And yet, we refused to believe it. We hoped that it would end soon, that such atrocities in the 21st century are impossible, that it can’t continue like this… Turns out, it can. Turns out, our life will never be normal again. Of course, we adapted, we learned to survive in this crisis, to find moments of peace and quiet. But that constant expectation of a miracle, the feeling that justice must prevail soon, that we have to hold on just a little longer… That was the most exhausting, the most destructive and emotionally draining thing that led to multiple health and mental issues.
    And no, we don’t think that the ongoing events in Kursk region are going to change anything soon. This war is profitable for too many people, and they will do everything they can to make it continue for as long as possible. But politics and war chronicles are probably not why you’re reading this. So let’s leave them aside and talk about Miqobot.

    The development of new features stopped on Feb 24, 2022.
    We did our best to keep Miqobot functional, but unfortunately fixing her for new patches was the only thing we managed to do. Our features were already outdated in Endwalker, and with the release of Dawntrail expansion the gap has become even wider. So before the updated version release, we want to dedicate some time to describe the state of each feature and what you should expect from Miqobot after download.


    All job rotations are broken and require a thorough revamp.
    Depending on the severity of changes, we have classified them into three categories: semi-functional at level 80 (can follow the general flow of a proper rotation, some abilities are used incorrectly or not used at all), completely broken (can do a basic 1-2-3 combo at best, often get stuck in a non-efficient loop), and non-existent (can’t do even a basic combo).

    • Semi-functional at lv80: White Mage, Scholar, Paladin, Warrior, Dark Knight, Gunbreaker, Dragoon, Samurai, Reaper, Bard, Dancer, Black Mage, Red Mage
    • Completely broken: Astrologian, Sage, Monk, Ninja, Machinist
    • Non-existent: Viper, Summoner, Pictomancer

    Our first priority will be to restore all job rotations to semi-functional status and to fix the most glaring issues in each of them.
    After that, we will be gradually upgrading and optimizing them for level 100.

    Squadron and Trust Dungeons

    All previously implemented dungeons are supported.
    The highest leveling dungeon currently available in Miqobot is Lv75 Qitana Ravel. Contrary to a popular misconception, Lv80 Heroes’ Gauntlet is not good for leveling (but it can be used to farm Poetics).
    Miqobot can also clear the dungeons she knows with ingame Duty Support. However, at the moment there is no function to enter dungeons via Duty Support UI, so if you want to use this feature you’ll have to launch it manually or create a custom scenario for this purpose. Once inside, you can click “start” on the combat tab (or do it with squadrons() scenario function) and Miqobot will handle the rest.

    We’ll be looking into adding newer dungeons to Miqobot, as well as implementing native algorithms to navigate through Duty Support UI.

    Fishing and Gathering

    Functional and have the same status as before Dawntrail. All features that were implemented in the past should work without issues. New areas are supported, you can create navigation grids and scenarios to farm new materails.
    Spearfishing, of course, is still broken. New abilities are not supported. We will try to address this in the future.


    New crafting math is implemented and upgraded to level 100 included, so Crafting Solver should be capable of handling all available recipes in the game.
    But since we don’t have access to the endgame yet, obviously we couldn’t test it, so this is all in theory.
    We would recommend to verify Crafting Solver performance with Trial Synthesis first, before allowing it to spend expensive materials. If you find Miqobot’s solver output unsatisfactory, please consider switching to Macro Crafting instead (or avoid using her for expensive recipes).

    91+ abilities are not supported yet. Except Daring Touch, which is a direct upgrade of Hasty Touch. But this is a 60% success rate ability, so most likely you would prefer to avoid it completely. In this case, please remove it from your hotbar (Miqobot will not use abilities that are not available on hotbar, and this is the only way to exclude them from Crafting Solver).
    Other abilities will be implemented later.


    All relevant algorithms are updated and made compatible with the new game client.

    Gold Saucer

    Both Chocobo Racing and MGP Minigames are functional.
    Duty Finder window navigation (required for Chocobo Racing) is also updated and working properly.

    3D Radar

    Depends on core features only, therefore it has been automatically upgraded along with the core modules.
    3D Editor (for creating navigation grids) is functional as well.

    Scenario Engine

    All functions that were broken by the expansion (such as changeBait) have been fixed and upgraded to be compatible with Dawntrail. Scenario Engine is expected to be fully functional.
    We consider implementing new functions in the future, after we address the most critical issues in other aspects of the project.

    Amidst all the challenges and hard times, we want to make a conscious effort to revive Miqobot. We might not succeed, because many factors are still beyond our control. We also won’t be able to provide a clear roadmap, because our situation remains very unpredictable. This summer we were suffering through an abnormal heat with only 4 hours of electricity per day, and during winter we’ll probably have even less. So we don’t want to make promises we might not be able to keep.
    It will be a long and arduous journey, one without certainty and maybe even without a destination. But still, we have to at least try.

    Thank you for reading up to this point, and thank you for understanding and unceasing support.
    We wish you all an exciting and wonderful adventure in Dawntrail.
    May you ever walk in the light of the Crystal.


    Miqobot is alive!

    Download Miqobot
    A reminder about antiviruses: Is Miqobot a Virus?

    All active license codes are extended with bonus time.
    Thank you for your patience and unceasing support!

    Miqobot v1.3.51 – Patch Notes

    • Core upgrade for Dawntrail expansion.
    • All new mounts (13) are supported.
    • All new aetherytes (18) are supported by Scenario Engine.
    • All new bait (11) and new fish (189) is supported by Scenario Engine.
    • New areas (8) are supported. Flying and swimming navigation should work without issues.

    For information regarding the state of each feature, please read the post above.


    Miqobot v1.3.51.1

    Download Miqobot
    A reminder about antiviruses: Is Miqobot a Virus?


    Revisit (Lv91) proc identification is implemented.
    When a gathering node is reset, Miqobot will correctly detect this event and will not attempt to navigate to a different node. If a rotation is present, it will also be reset and reapplied in accordance with the selected settings. This should allow Miqobot to handle scenario cases like gather(1) correctly as well.

    Note: This version will not trigger the “New version available” message.
    If you are not affected by Revisit issue, you don’t have to download this version.


    Miqobot is fixed for Patch 7.05 Maintenance!

    Please restart your Miqobot for the changes to take effect.


    As always, Miqobot is broken due to the arrival of Patch 7.1.
    A patch of this magnitude usually takes several weeks to upgrade. (Last time it was a month and a half.)

    But this time we have a new team member who turned out to be well versed in reverse engineering. She has implemented several additional tools that should streamline the process significantly. If everything goes well, Miqobot might be back online in just a few days.

    As always, active subscriptions do not expire during Miqobot maintenance.
    All active license codes will be automatically extended with bonus time.
    The bonus time will be credited at the moment Miqobot comes to life again and it will cover the full period of downtime.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding!


    The changes this time turned out even more severe than usual. But still, thanks to the upgraded pipeline we’ve managed to reach the milestone of 90% much faster than before.
    Miqobot will be back online within the next 24 hours.


    Miqobot is alive!

    Download Miqobot
    A reminder about antiviruses: Is Miqobot a Virus?

    All active license codes are extended with bonus time.
    Thank you for your patience and unceasing support!

    Miqobot v1.3.53 – Patch Notes

    • Core upgrade for Patch 7.1.
    • New mounts (5) are supported.
    • New aetheryte is supported by Scenario Engine.

    Combat System

    • RPR 1-100 rotation.
    • MNK 1-100 rotation.
    • VPR 1-100 rotation.
    • SAM 1-100 rotation.
    • DRG 1-100 rotation.
    • NIN 1-100 rotation.
    • (All melee DPS rotations are upgraded for level 100.)
    • SMN 1-100 rotation.
    • New AoE geometry is implemented.


    • Reduced delays between hits.
    • Reduced delays between actions in rotation.
    • Additional adjustments for Revisit.

    Fixed Issues

    • New recipe level identification algorithm is implemented.
    • Crafting math modifiers are upgraded for new patch.
    • Party list sorting is detected.

    Miqobot is fixed for Patch 7.11!

    Please restart your Miqobot for the changes to take effect.


    Sigh, here we go again…
    Another massive attack on our energy infrastructure this morning. Many cities are in blackout. 2-4 hours of electricity per day is the optimistic scenario now.

    Still, we continue working whenever the situation allows. New features are in development and will be available soon.


    Miqobot is fixed for Patch 7.15!

    Please restart your Miqobot for the changes to take effect.


    Miqobot v1.3.53.1

    Download Miqobot
    A reminder about antiviruses: Is Miqobot a Virus?


    • An option to use Duty Support system (instead of Squadrons/Trust) is implemented.
    • (Lv20) Halatali mechanics are upgraded to match the latest patch data.
    • NIN: pre-92 rotation is optimized.


    • New recipes from patch 7.15 are supported.

    Note: Adjustments in this version are minor.
    This release will not trigger the “New version available” message.


    Miqobot is fixed for Patch 7.16!

    Please restart your Miqobot for the changes to take effect.


    Miqobot is fixed for Patch 7.16 Maintenance!

    Please restart your Miqobot for the changes to take effect.

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