Crafting: Specialist trait interference

Forum Forums Discussion Crafting: Specialist trait interference

This topic contains 12 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by Arc Arc 7 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #3871


    For specialists, Stroke of Genius trait at lvl 70 temporarily increases max CP by the second step, which leads the bot to recalculate from the beginning, this significantly increases process time as it is effectively doubled for every synthesis attempt

    Is there a way to circumvent this?


    Thank you for reporting again!
    This issue has been already discussed here: Stormblood 4.0 – Miqobot Status

    As we said earlier, Miqobot was not tested with 61+ content and may perform unpredictably. We are doing our best to implement the necessary upgrades as soon as possible.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding!


    Stroke of Genius…it is… is….
    That fcking trait stop all craft on 70 lvl!! Damn, it is make not useable all craf solver in bot=_=
    need check “ignore +15 CP from Stroke of Genius”
    I really crying=_= I bored=_=


    Just read.
    I need craft 10 high lvl items, i check some skills for more profit silvering, that use ~6Gb ram and ~20-30 min for solving, and start craf it non stop/ ~1-2 min craft. 1 hour in summary.
    Than now. Solver 30 min…prok Stroke of Genius….solver 30 min again…craft 2 min – 1 item…start new craft? noooo! AGAIN solver bcse Stroke of Genius removed! New circle. in summary it 11 HOURS!!! 11 HOURS FOR 10 ITEM KARL!!!!


    They already explained that its meaningless to let solver work more than 10 seconds. Theres also a recommended preset. If youre solving in 30 min youre doing it wrong. Read here:



    Am I the only one who took one look at the crafter traits and thought “these are probably gonna mess with miqo, better not unlock them yet”?


    “Crafting Solver is already optimized for 60-star crafting as much as possible.”
    Im 70. 70-star crafting. Need more than 30 s.
    You not crafter. Dont know – just quet.



    Weise, you seem like a complete self-entitled douche. It’s been stated hundreds of times Miqo hasn’t been tested with 61+ content and may perform unpredictably. Get a grip, shut up and be patient.



    the only one who took one look at the crafter traits and thought “these are probably gonna mess with miqo, better not unlock them yet”?

    No, have faith you are not alone! All my quests are completed and waiting for the green light “Phase 2 Complete” to turn in 🙂

    As for Weise, we are fortunate they have released updates to MB for SB in 2 phases (phase 1 & 2) Phase 1 was complete which was updating how MB interacts with new UI elements etc and the rest of it runs as though you are still level 60, Phase 2 is the update which will look out for all these extra perks and skills at the moment will try to get a good/excellent to use BB on at 90% because the formula she uses for 61-70 doesn’t work 100% with SB, if they did not release it in this way we would literally have nothing atm.

    They are working on it, they are interacting with users and accepting bug reports i don’t know where your 20-30 minutes is coming from but mine usually take about 10-20 seconds at 70 to recalculate if something like food drops.

    Just chill out, check the thread Lyfox linked he knows his stuff and has made some amazing contributions to this community. If you really need to get the crafts done without these supposed 20-30 minute timers then hand craft them it shouldn’t be a problem if you really are a high level crafter. I could only understand your point of view if MB team had given zero information on what they were doing.


    Guys. You read me, but do not understand, I’m not asking at the time to change the whole system of crafting the bot for 70 lvl, I just ask to make a little hotfix that would not even work with the trait, but at least ignore it!



    You need to be patient. I am sorry you did not have the foresight on any crafting job to not complete the quests, for those you need to wait or manually make a macro for the bot to follow. Stop being so entitled and fix the issue yourself for a while. Nobody cares that you’re crying this hard and it isn’t going to get done faster.


    We are very sorry, but what you ask can not be described as a little hotfix.

    Miqobot already ignores the trait in question, and this is exactly the problem.
    Stroke of Genius alters the core crafting mechanics, and the only viable solution is to make Miqobot aware of this trait.

    As @lyfox mentioned correctly, there are no options in the Crafting Solver that would be worth 30 seconds of your CPU. It does not matter whether you are 60 or 70 because the math used by Miqobot stays the same. Even with all CPU intensive settings enabled you will gain only +3-4% of quality output. These options provide boost only for low level characters.
    Explanation of CPU intensive settings

    • RNG still remains the biggest factor, and the only way to overcome it is to implement new 61+ abilities.

    We assure you, if there was even a slightest shortcut to make Crafting Solver work with new mechanics, we would already implement and release it. Alas, there is not.
    The amount of changes introduced by Stormblood is immense, but our developers are working day and night to upgrade Miqobot as fast as possible.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding!


    They already explained that its meaningless to let solver work more than 10 seconds.

    As @lyfox mentioned correctly, there are no options in the Crafting Solver that would be worth 30 seconds of your CPU.

    Damnit, why did I not read this anywhere x_x ? In Heavensward times I used to run Miqobot for 1:30 minutes on every kind of HQ craft and about 6 minutes for the highest level HQ crafts every time. Never thought about removing Innovation, since I always throught Innovation would make a real difference :/

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