Crafting Scenario Script?

Forum Forums Discussion Crafting Scenario Script?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Pujin Pujin 3 years, 1 month ago.

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    Does anyone have a link to an importable crafting scenario script that uses macros? I’m kinda dumb and cant figure out how to program one myself from the information found here.



    I’ll break it down for you with examples.
    Go to FFXIVTeamcraft site to get a macro or unless you have your own already.
    Once you have a macro that works hopefully 100%, follow the example below:

    Say this is my crafting macro that I use in the game to craft that I got from FFXIVTeamcraft:

    /ac Reflect <wait.3>
    /ac Manipulation <wait.2>
    /ac "Waste Not II" <wait.2>
    /ac Innovation <wait.2>
    /ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
    ...and so on

    – I now open up Miqo and go under the crafting tab.
    – I UNCHECK use in the solver section.
    – I now look at my hotkey where I have the skills for the macro above.

    Refect is on 1
    Manipulation on 2
    Waste Not II on 3
    Innovation on 4
    Preparatory Touch on 5

    – I now enter the following into the box next to the START button: 1,2,3,4,5 replicating what the macro will press.
    – I now enter the amount I want to craft under START making sure I have enough mats in my inventory (even though Miqo will know).
    – I now click on the new button and rename it to Cookies (you can name it whatever you want though).
    – I click on the scenario tab now.
    – I enter the following because I researched from THIS helpful guide:

    craftMacro(Cookies) <--Name of the craft macro that you made earlier.
    job(CUL) <--/Switch job if you are not currently in the job.
    recipe(Coffee Biscuit) <--Name of the recipe in your Crafting Log
    craft(9000) <--Amount to craft.

    – I now click on save.
    – I now hit start on the scenario tab.
    – Miqo is now crafting for me. Time to do work on the side,go get coffee, or “other” things. Yay!

    I think it’s the best I can do to hold your hand. If you need further information or want to really dive in. Check this GUIDE on crafting macros and this GUIDE on making scenarios both pretty much states what I have written above.


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by  khmmiqobot.


    Some of the steps above can be skipped like unchecking the solver or entering the initial quantity since it will be changed from the amount in the scenario anyways. I placed the steps in there if you want to just use the craft macro as a stand alone. But, with the scenario, you can string other craft macros, travel, gather, fish, look pretty in Limsa (like that stupid naked dancing cat guy on Famfrit…) and so on.


    Thank you! I was a little worried about asking, I tend to get sent somewhere I’ve already looked at repeatedly when I ask for help. This breaks it down, and shout be pinned. lol

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