Crafting problems

Forum Forums Discussion Crafting problems

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Miqobot Miqobot 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #1976


    It was working perfectly fine at first, then this started happening. It spams it a bunch with no results and then it’ll randomly work. Sometimes I just push the button it gets stuck on and it seems to fix. Anyone else having this issue?

    It seems to mostly get hung up on Careful Synthesis and Steady Hand. I don’t know why..

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by  konarobi420.
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    Until tonight I have never experienced it. Was able to resolve it after some trial and error by looking at the log to see what Miqo got stuck on and switching that skill to another hotbar. Simple Fix but kinda sucks if you have your skills grouped by type for manual crafting as well.



    It still /works/ Its just 1 craft can take several minutes if it gets hung up. Sometimes all it takes is swapping the current window, sometimes I gotta press the key though, and more often than not, It seems to hang up on skills 1-4, and anything associated with them. So CTRL SHIFT ALT + 1 – 4 almost ALWAYS seem to get stuck.
    Do you think redownloading it would help? (I don’t want to redownload and it mess up my nip though)



    No one with any answers? I had to move al my moves off 1-5. 6 – 0 work though.. anything 1-5 can/will hang up and spam. Idk why



    No idea from me. I cannot replicate your issue. For me, skills assigned to 1 through 5 when crafting are used successfully.

    Just as a thought, do you have a similar issue with skills assigned to 1 through 5 while Fishing?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by  ramen.

    As with any other issue, we would ask to provide as much information as you can.

    Most likely, there is a program installed on your machine that interferes with shortcuts on a system level.
    Applications like Photoshop, Monosnap, and many others are known to register their keybinds in the system whenever they are active.

    As @ramen suggested, could you try reproducing this issue with other Miqobot features?

    • Do Fishing abilities work correctly?
    • Does Miqobot use skills in Chocobo Racing correctly?
    • Do Macros work correctly?
      For example, if you input ctrl + alt + shift + 1 in macro box (instead of using Crafting Solver), does it fire every time?

    Also, please answer these questions in order to provide more information about your issue:

    • Do you have any applications running that may interfere with keyboard shortcuts?
    • Does this issue happen only when Miqobot is running in background?
    • What happens when you press the corresponding shortcut yourself?
      Not with a mouse, but pressing the exact Ctrl-Alt-Shift- combination by hand.
      Is it recognized by the game correctly?
    • What is your FPS?
      If game performance drops below 10 FPS, it may lead to unexpected behaviour.
    • Do you run the game in Fullscreen or in Windowed mode? Have you tried switching between them and see if it helps?
    • Have you tried minimizing your game window completely?
    • Which method do you use for switching between windows?
      Do you use Alt-Tab, Win-Tab, or mouse click on taskbar? Have you tried using each of them separately and see if it causes the issue?
    • On the 2nd screenshot we see that you use Cross Hotbars. Have you tried disabling them temporarily?
    • What Windows version do you use?
    • Have you installed any Windows updates recently?

    Thank you very much!

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