Crafting macro tricks of the Trade

Forum Forums Discussion Crafting macro tricks of the Trade

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Nowlflr Nowlflr 2 years, 5 months ago.

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    I had a question about the Master recipes (10). I am using a macro for it, which I’ve translated to use in miqo. However, the macro uses Tricks of the Trade near the end, to make sure a poor quality doesnt mess up Byregot’s blessing. However, when the quality is normal, and thus the action is unavailable, miqo is unable to continue with the macro and keeps trying to use this action.

    Is there any way to make her use it just once (to pass the condition check) or do i need to replace the action with something different?


    Does your macro rely on you hitting a good condition at a specific point so that you can proc Tricks/Trade to finish the craft? If so, I would suggest creating a macro that doesn’t rely on RNG and removing Tricks/Trade entirely. Why a macro if it depends on RNG?



    No, it just needs to proc Tricks when it’s a perfect quality, for the general Great Strides > Byregots blessing to not fall into poor quality. Because the poor can make it that i dont get the guaranteed 100% HQ proc. Fishing for good quality is never good, i do agree with that tho.

    After looking into it, would it maybe able to replace it with something like Observe? I haven’t had the time to test that out yet unfortunately.


    Are you familiar with Teamcraft? You can enter (or set up packet capture) your stats for each job and then find a rotation through community rotations or testing through their simulator and save a rotation and create a macro to use in game (and Miqo). You can also use the Miqo solver (not sure if you are familiar with it – I wasn’t for a very long time and only used macros). If you are geared BiS with high-end full pentameld, I could share my macros.

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