Crafter Ability Delay not changing?

Forum Forums Discussion Crafter Ability Delay not changing?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  astarafar 1 year, 5 months ago.

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    I’ve tried to adjust the ability delay for the crafting section, and it never seems to change. I’ve tried values as high as 1.0 seconds, and down to 0.1, but the actual interval observed between abilities in-game never seems to change from the default of 0.5.

    What am I doing wrong?


    Each ability has its own animation lock of about 2-3 seconds. And the delay you change in Miqo is additional delay after animation, a simulation of player thinking. So what you actually see ingame is 3+0.1, 3+0.5, etc. Its hard to notice the difference between those unless youre using a stopwatch. Try values like 5.0 or more.



    The delay after the animation lock is what I am referring to, and I can very much notice a difference between a 0.1 second delay and a 0.5 second delay without a stopwatch. Anyone can. That is the delay that I am not seeing change.

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