Craft randomly failing due to 'Unable to hit Synthesize'

Forum Forums Discussion Craft randomly failing due to 'Unable to hit Synthesize'


This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Miqobot Miqobot 5 years, 2 months ago.

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    I’ve been trying to craft en masse (40-100) at a time, but around 7-13 I end up getting a pop-up telling me it’s hitting Synthesize, or Craft, and nothing is happening. Says maybe I don’t have ingredients, etc.

    However as soon as I select the screen, it starts working again. I can’t get it to happen when I’m watching, and it seems random so difficult to troubleshoot.

    Additionally, I notice if I tell it to make X then repair, when it goes to resume it can’t due to going back to the starting item again. Perhaps mass crafting is meant to do via Scenario only?


    Yes, this is a known issue which happens under extensive mouse movement, due to the fact that Miqobot does not use code injections.
    In order to prevent this behaviour, please switch your game to Windowed mode and minimize it.

    You can find detailed explanation of the problem in the Known Issues section:

    • An issue wherein Miqobot would fail to move a game cursor, under extensive mouse movement.
      Unfortunately, this can not be fixed without code injections, and we have no plans for implementing code injections.
      Miqobot is aware of this situation, and she will patiently wait for mouse to stop moving before making another attempt. She needs a small fraction of a second (about 0.25 sec) in order to recover from this issue. Under normal circumstances you wouldn’t even notice this behaviour.
      If you want to prevent this behaviour completely, please consider switching the game to Windowed mode and minimizing it, when you run Miqobot in the background. Thus, mouse cursor will not be able to run over the game’s window and will not interfere.

    Additionally, I notice if I tell it to make X then repair, when it goes to resume it can’t due to going back to the starting item again. Perhaps mass crafting is meant to do via Scenario only?

    Repair action requires Miqobot to stand up from the crafting position, which involves closing the Crafting Log.
    If you select recipes via Recipe Search function, then of course the recipe name will be reset after reopening the Crafting Log.

    A workaround would be selecting the recipe directly without Recipe Search function.
    If this solution is not appropriate for you, then yes, please use a simple scenario for crafting.

    recipe(Ash Lumber)


    Thanks for the additional insight; Yea, it was doing it via search. I assumed there had to be a simple solution.

    Reg. Minimizing the game, this is happening when I am playing another game with it in the background. Do you think the movement from the ‘other game’ is somehow impacting it since it’s layered behind the game I was playing?


    Yes, any mouse movement impacts the FFXIV game client, regardless of whether its in foreground or in background. Any window on top of the game client is technically transparent for mouse evaluation.
    This is how mouse input is implemented in the game and unfortunately it can not be fixed without code injections.

    The only way to prevent it from happening is to switch the game to Windowed mode and minimize it.
    Alternatively, if you have a second monitor, you can move FFXIV client there and continue playing another game on your main monitor.

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