Combat assist pausing after LB3 rez

Forum Forums Discussion Combat assist pausing after LB3 rez

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  bahm 3 years ago.

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    Hey Miqo! Thank you and your team for all of the hard work you put in trying to get everything ready to go for Endwalker.

    I appreciate the new feature where combat assist is paused after receiving a resurrection until your invuln debuff falls off. However, I noticed that when you receive a LB3 rez, you still pause despite being at full HP with the invuln buff. Would it be possible to allow combat assist to immediately resume when rezzed with an LB3, please?

    Thank you!


    Implementing this change would be a downgrade and make this feature useless.

    The purpose of the Transcendent invulnerability buff is not to wait until your character is at full HP. Its purpose is to allow you to survive the ongoing mechanics if your character was raised at the wrong moment, provided you don’t use any actions. Even if you have full HP, it doesn’t mean that mechanics can not one-shot you. Therefore if the Assist Mode resumes immediately, it may instantly kill your character once again. In certain cases, like Bozja Duels, this is extremely dangerous, because the first thing you might wish to do after being raised is to apply a Reraiser.

    So no, we will not implement this change.
    If you wish to discard the invulnerability buff on purpose, all you have to do is use any action of your choice and Miqobot will pick up the rotation immediately.



    Great point and excellent suggestion. Thank you, Miqobot.

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