Combat Assist Macros!

Forum Forums Discussion Combat Assist Macros!

This topic contains 9 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  little_one 5 years ago.

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    Back during Stormblood I made a guide with some tips on getting the most out of Miqo’s current combat state at the time, along with some macros. I thought with a major patch coming up with new trials and such, I’d it would be fun to share what I’ve learned over the last couple of months in order to help others get the most out of Combat Assist until another update is released. I’m hoping this encourages others to share their own tricks and workarounds to help out as well so I can see the nifty ideas I haven’t thought of yet ^^
    WARNING! The advice beyond this point is most likely bad advice, and you wipe your party at your own risk!

    *While I have all of the jobs up to 80 and have played them each in endgame content (with and without Miqo) there are some jobs that simply aren’t fixable with a macro, and require some manual input and focus (MNK, SMN, WAR to name a few) so I won’t be mentioning those, but I may still give input if I think there’s useful info.

    The melee rotation is almost complete at 80, we’re just missing the usage of Atonement (which is 550 potency per use, so, y’know… quite a big chunk of our melee damage!) but simply adding it to a Fast Blade macro seems to solve the issue and I don’t experience any major impact to my DPS in trials and raids.

    Fast Blade
    /micon “Fast Blade”
    /merror off
    /ac “Atonement” <t>
    /ac “Fast Blade” <t>

    I had issues getting Miqo to cast 5 Holy Spirits in the past, for whatever reason I could only get 4 out of her. However, the level 78 trait totally fixes that and when the Requiescat window becomes instant casts she gets 5 of them off with no issues. The new problem is Confiteor. As of now, I haven’t really figured out any kind of workaround, so as far as I can tell you’ll have to manually use it to end your magic window. Still, one button press per minute ain’t back!

    So far as I can tell, DRK is pretty much 80 ready with the exception of Living Shadow usage. However, I’ve found a pretty good work around for this, as it’s pretty consistent and doesn’t seem to affect the rotation. I’ve tried attaching Living Shadow to Bloodspiller, thinking “Ah, if there’s enough gauge to use LS when it’s off CD but I don’t notice it, Miqo won’t use Bloodspiller over it, and I won’t have to wait for it to fill up!” But it was immediately obvious what a huge dps loss that was during the Delirium phases, as it usually resulted in Miqo only getting in 4 BS’s. However, attaching LS to Edge of Shadow seems to have no negative impact on DRK’s dps whatsoever – and improves it! The reason being that EoS and LS both being OGCD’s, even when Macro’d miqo still gets E0S’s in between GCD’s flawlessly with no hiccups once the GCD stops rolling. Give it a try!

    Edge of Shadow
    /micon “Edge of Shadow”
    /merror off
    /ac “Living Shadow” <t>
    /ac “Edge of Shadow” <t>

    GNB is another one that’s almost end game ready, it just doesn’t have Bloodfest support at the moment. Bloodfest is also something you can’t really macro into anything since Miqo tends to hold onto at least one powder charge, which means at best you’ll get one charge per usage when it’s off CD, at worse the charges will already be capped when the macro is used and you’ll get nothing. I recommend just expending the charges manually when it’s off CD and then pressing Bloodfest yourself. I do that myself and the DPS on GNB in endgame content is pretty flawless. I love Miqo on GNB!

    Scholar is an oddball in that it has a tool for every situation, and therefore you can’t reliably macro the unsupported tools reliably into supported skills – at least not for, say, savage. But if you’re doing savage content I assume you’re not totally relying on Miqo to just autopilot the whole encounter 😛
    My recommendation is just to use the 71+ spells manually, but sometimes you just want to run a Copied Factory with your brain off, and these will certainly see you through that:

    Whispering Dawn
    /micon “Whispering Dawn”
    /merror off
    /ac “Fey Blessing”
    /ac “Whispering Dawn”

    Indomitability – while this one looks sloppy, it will help heal and expend other available resources and save an Aetherflow stack if the damage is small enough to not warrant Indom.
    /micon “Indomitability”
    /merror off
    /ac “Summon Seraph”
    /ac “Consolation”
    /ac “Fae Blessing”
    /ac “Indomitability”

    /micon “Succor
    /merror off
    /ac “Summon Seraph”
    /ac “Consolation”
    /ac “Succor”

    *Aetherpact* – this one is just a personal preference. Sacred Soil is a pretty decent and underutilized healing tool, and I almost always have Aetherflow stacks to spare. Miqo will also often use Aetherpact on the tank even when there’s only 10 Faerie Gauge, offering only a single regen tick. So I just use this to place a regen and damage mitigation bubble on the tank when Aetherpact usage would be fairly useless to give more umph! to the healing. In most fights the party is close enough to the boss to benefit from the macro as well (Copied Factory encounters especially.)

    /micon “Aetherpact”
    /merror off
    /ac “Sacred Soil” <t>
    /ac “Aetherpact” <t>
    /ac “Fey Union”
    /ac “Fey Union” <t>


    Aspected Helios – This will apply Horoscope to the party and then immediately detonate it for its 200 potency heal, which I find a lot of the time is enough to deter using a GCD on an AoE heal when the party has taken a pretty paltry hit. I mostly use this for dungeons, Eden, and 24 man, but I don’t use it in Hades for example.
    /micon “Aspected Helios”
    /merror off
    /ac “Horoscope”
    /ac “Aspected Helios”

    Helios – if Miqo is using regular Helios in level 80 content, then the situation probably went to @#$% for a hot second and could use Neutral Sect. I placed it here because honestly I forget Neutral Sect exists 😛

    /micon “Helios”
    /merror off
    /ac “Horoscope”
    /ac “Neutral Sect”
    /ac “Helios”

    Benefic – Celestial Intersection is such an amazing heal that I hate to neglect it! And during the Yu-Gi-Oh intense phases of my rotations I often do 😛 but attaching this to Aspected Benefic would turn you into that annoying healer that Regens at the beginning of every pull (and if you do that, stop that! :P) – the threshold for casting Benefic is high IMO (85% I believe) that I simply have CI put in its place. The initial heal takes the target out of the Benefic casting range so Miqo moves onto more useful things, while also applying a pretty strong HoT!
    *If you experience Miqo spamming the Benefic macro then you can always add a line to include Benefic to the macro so that she can cast it and get the target above where they need to be. It’s not a perfect macro, but it’s really just a temporary band-aid.

    /micon “Benefic”
    /merror off
    /ac “Celestial Intersection” <t>

    White Mage

    WHM is one of the few that are pretty much 80 ready, only the emergency button (Temperence) isn’t supported and even then I’m sure Miqo isn’t going to spam it and keep it on cool down once the 80 updates roll out, because that would just be silly. However, I am that silly and I just mave it macro’d into Medica II 😛
    *There are times when Temperance just doesn’t go off when Miqo uses M2, you can add an aditional line to cast Temperance twice in a row, or just ignore it and use it when you need it where available.

    /micon “Medica II”
    /merror off
    /ac “Temperance”
    /ac “Medica II”


    So with a couple of macros I have a very solid level 80 rotation going, but there is a catch for dungeons and AoE vs Single Target. I’ll go into that by that specific macro. In the meantime, let’s start with working Despair into your rotation! ^^

    Blizzard III Despair only needs 800mp to cast, and I have yet to run into a time when Miqo didn’t have at least that at the end of her F4 phase. So, when she goes to swap over to the Umbral Ice phase she will properly cast Despair with this macro, and then proceed to cast BIII. I haven’t experienced it yet, but I can imagine there may be a time when the macro skips over Despair and goes straight to BIII (I just built a new computer and Miqo/Macro response seems better so it may be dependent on how stronk your system is.) If you experience this, simply make 2 lines for Despair.

    /micon “Blizzard III”
    /merror off
    /ac “Despair” <t>
    /ac “Blizzard III” <t>

    Foul – So here is where the slight hiccup happens. If you macro Xenoglossy into Foul, her single target rotation is simply beautiful! It’s nearly perfect, in fact! With no food, no nuffs, no party, Miqo pulls over 13k on a striking dummy in i450 gear. However, this means that you sacrifice Foul’s AoE impact in large pulls. If you just keep Foul on your bar for both AoE and Single Target situations, you’re losing out on 200 potency per minute. If there was a macro subcommand to place macros ont he hotbars instead of action names, you could simply use [/hotbar “macro” 1 1] to be like a SMN and swap out the Foul and Xeno macros (like having to swap your Garuda for Ifrit.) But macros can’t place macros as far as I know, so I don’t really have a solution at this time other than to weigh the costs of running the macro or just using Foul in dungeon runs and such, and just using the macro for single target trials.

    /micon “Foul”
    /merror off
    /ac “Xenoglossy” <t>
    /ac “Foul” <t>

    I have one macro for DNC that pretty much makes it hands free, but I don’t suggest you go totally hands free and I’ll tell you why. This macros Flourish into Cascade, which makes for a really strong opener and keeps it going during the whole fight without you having to weave it yourself. Miqo’s dps actually stays very high and close to what you *should* be doing as a DNC. But this macro also attaches Saber Dance to Cascade, which means it will be prioritized whenever there is 50+ gauge. Now, I haven’t really seen this do any major harm in trials like Hades, but it is preferably to save the gauge and use it manually when raid buffs are up.

    /micon “Cascade”
    /macroerror off
    /ac “Flourish”
    /ac “Saber Dance” <t>
    /ac “Cascade” <t>

    Closing for now… It took a while to write up what I’ve got here and I have other priorities at the moment, so for now I’ll end things here. But I’ll try and get the rest of the Jobs I’ve got covered up here later to round out what’s missing, and then add commentary on the jobs I don’t have anything for and why. Hopefully these are useful to some of you, and hope to see you in game!


    Very informative. Didn’t know this many jobs can do endgame contents with assist mode.Thanks for sharing and looking forward to the rest of the jobs!



    This is great! will put this to use one i get everyone to 80.

    I was wondering about Bard and Dragoon… any macros or anything we need to do manually at 80?

    Also on another note, I’ve been using squadrons to level alts to 60-65. Whats the quickest way to get from 66-71?



    hrm its weird for me, when i copy and paste into the macro, the ability doesnt show up =O like the icon, was wondering if any one can help me with this problem?


    Did you name the macro as the name of the skill? Also gonna make sure I bookmark the page until these macros aren’t needed anymore.

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Marco Marco.


    Yes I did ;O I know how to macro it’s just weird it’s not working for any skill at the moment O.O


    Perhaps the quotes are messed up due to forum formatting. Should put them in code tag.

    /micon "Fast Blade"
    /merror off
    /ac "Atonement" <t>
    /ac "Fast Blade" <t>


    ahh perfect! you are the best lyfox as always xD also thank you drew for the macros! god bless


    I’ve been looking for this! Thank you very much for sharing.



    @sefirosukuraudo please share samurai (^人^)

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