Combat Assist – Blackmage stutter steps

Forum Forums Discussion Combat Assist – Blackmage stutter steps

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Miqobot Miqobot 3 years, 6 months ago.

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    Hello, really enjoy the bot and been using it to level. Started to use combat assist and for the most part, the rotations are really good, however there is a problem with blackmage. When I defeat an add, my character takes a small step forward, while queueing the next ability. This cancels the ability and sets my GCD behind by 1 every add, which is quite bad for some fights and also got noticed once even by someone else. I already checked if I perhaps set my W key somewhere else with a different combination (like SHift+W), but its not bound elsewhere. Anyone else got the same or got any idea?


    The purpose of this action is to interrupt the ongoing cast which will be interrupted anyway due to the target being already dead.
    Without it, your character is not ready to attack the next enemy until the game client cancels the cast automatically. Depending on circumstances, it may take up to 4 seconds of casting a spell on a dead enemy.

    If you wish to prevent this behavior, you can proactively select the next enemy before the current one is defeated.

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