Change Scenario from a Scenario

Forum Forums Discussion Change Scenario from a Scenario

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Miqobot Miqobot 3 years, 7 months ago.

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    Is it possible to call another scenario from inside a scenario? I essentially want to write some variety to my activity. I could easily have an orchestrator scenario that called the various other ones I wanted to run. This way I could make it teleport to Foundation, use the Aetheryte, and travel to the Firmament. Then it would call up the Diadem mining scenario for one cycle or how ever many was specified in the orchestrator scenario. Once that scenario ran its cycles the orchestrator scenario would call the next. Such as Gold Saucer, a Chobo race, trust, or anything really to not being doing the exact same task all session.

    // Example Orchestrator Scenario
    // Call our Diadem Scenario
    scenario(The Diadem: Get to Firmament)
    scenario(The Diadem: đŸŒ± with collectable turn in's)
    // Call our Gold Saucer Scenario
    scenario(The Gold Saucer: Get to our Game)
    // Maybe add something like this too? So I could repeat it X amount of times easily if the argument was added
    scenario(The Gold Saucer: Get Them Gains, 10)
    // Call our Diadem Scenario
    scenario(The Diadem: Get to Firmament)
    scenario(The Diadem: FSH with collectable turn in's)
    //Repeat our scenario 20 times

    At the moment it’s not possible, but this feature is already planned.
    This request refers to “Switching chapters and scenarios” entry in the planned functions list.

    [Beta] Scenario Scripting Engine – Planned Functions

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