Buy or Renew for an old user?

Forum Forums Discussion Buy or Renew for an old user?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Miqobot Miqobot 5 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #19645


    Hey I just got back into ff14 and was wanting to set this up for crafting and fishing and whatnot, but I don’t remember anything about this program really.

    I was wondering if I use Renew or Buy to get more time even though I don’t remember if I had a special code or something I needed.

    Basically, how do I give yall money?


    Technically there is no difference. Both options give you a full month of Miqobot subscription.
    Buy creates a new key, while Renew extends an existing one.

    Please choose whichever method is more convenient for you.

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