blackout switch is enabled?

Forum Forums Discussion blackout switch is enabled?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Miqobot Miqobot 5 years, 7 months ago.

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)
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  • #15531


    (11:27:31 PM) (SCENARIO) Started:
    (11:27:31 PM) ‘Yellow Scrips ShB’
    (11:27:31 PM) Chapter: 7
    (11:27:31 PM) Sorry, can’t move. It’s dark and creepy around me! I’d better hold my breath, so nobody would find me.
    (11:27:31 PM) Current zone: Unknown (ID 036E)
    (11:27:31 PM) Blackout while travelling… Good night! <3
    (11:27:31 PM) (NOTE) Blackout switch is triggered.
    (11:27:31 PM) (NOTE) Please save the message log for analysis and restart Miqobot.
    (11:28:22 PM) (SCENARIO) Started:
    (11:28:22 PM) ‘Yellow Scrips ShB’
    (11:28:22 PM) Chapter: 7
    (11:28:22 PM) Blackout while travelling… Good night! <3
    (11:28:22 PM) (NOTE) Blackout switch is triggered.
    (11:28:22 PM) (NOTE) Please save the message log for analysis and restart Miqobot.
    (11:28:36 PM) (SCENARIO) Started:
    (11:28:36 PM) ‘Yellow Scrips ShB’
    (11:28:36 PM) Chapter: 6
    (11:28:36 PM) Blackout while travelling… Good night! <3
    (11:28:36 PM) (NOTE) Blackout switch is triggered.
    (11:28:36 PM) (NOTE) Please save the message log for analysis and restart Miqobot.

    What the hell is this?



    Nvm, worked on the 3rd restart..


    (11:27:31 PM) Current zone: Unknown (ID 036E)

    You have attempted to start Miqobot in one of the new quest zones which is not supported at the moment.
    Please be careful and move out from an unknown area before starting Miqobot.

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)

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