Best way to make money with Miqo?

Forum Forums Discussion Best way to make money with Miqo?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Kim_Lee 3 years, 9 months ago.

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    Same as title, I’m sorry if this is posted a lot or if it’s somewhere I missed in the forum.

    Other than using the bot to do things like craft, because that implies I’d have to get all my crafting/gathering classes to 80 to do. I was curious if anyone could point me in a way that Miqo could make me millions of gil? I know very little on the marketboard and if anyone has any secrets or maybe even obvious stuff I’m just too stupid to see?

    I did mining for shards which made me millions before, but I was wondering if there was something better that Miqo could automate for me?

    Level 80 on DPS/Tank/Healer, level 80 Miner, that’s about all.



    Use it to gather materials to craft and sell items on MB. Made well over 2 billion gil doing this in less than one year.



    This has been posted before. I would post a link but I’m sure it’s only a page or two deep in the forums.

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