Best way to make gil for my account?

Forum Forums Discussion Best way to make gil for my account?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  mrniki 5 years, 9 months ago.

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    So i want to know whats the easiest way to get gil using miqo with my account..
    I currently have 70 mining and botanist, and i hve 70 CUL and GSM, along with more than enough lvl 70 DoW and DoM classes.

    I kinda hit a wall and honestly making gil (while i wait for my leves to come back to do ALC) seems like the only thing i wanna do atm.
    Any ideas?


    If there was an universal “best way”, everyone would follow it, which would produce lots of competition and ruin any profits. You have to discover your own “best way”; and even if you find one, it won’t work for more than a day – until you overstock market with your farmed goodies… so you will have to seek for a new “best way”.



    well, there are always stable ways to make cash at least though, right?

    What would be in y’alls opinion an easy way for miqo to gain gil in my offtime?


    Noyes. Gray nailed it pretty much and let me tell you that Gray is propably the most dedicated person here in this forum, when it comes to finding out the most stable and reliant way to make gil consistently, because he wants to make a real-life income from RMT via botting (and from what I’ve seen, he’s the first one to post here and wanting to do so).

    Currently the most “reliant” ways to make gil are propably:
    – Crafting raid potions (especially Grade III Infusions of Strength since 7/15 jobs have STR as main damage stat)
    – Crafting raid buff food (especially Shakshouka, because see raid pots)
    – Buying Shards, Crystals & Clusters on other servers that are cheaper than on your server and reselling those on yours
    – Farming Duskglow Aethersands via Scenario and selling those
    – Crafting the most recent crafted weapons (the Rakshasa ones) and selling those
    – Farming yellow scrips for buying Gyr Abanian Alchemic or Stormsap and selling those
    – If you have Desynthesis leveled up, stocking up on Battlecraft Demimateria III and selling those when Shadowbringers launches

    Those are my personal ways of making gil and I rotate through these depending on the profitability of those items regularly. I’m not particularly good at making tons of gil though. Carl Arbogast and Lyfox are a bit richer than me with my measily 2-10 million gil average right now (Like Carl has a few billion gil :P)


    Hmmm… speaking of ways to make gil (to choose from). Not that I’ve tested it myself, but there are certainly some others:

    – hunts: allied seals and stuff buyable using them (not sure if it can be automated using Miqo, nor if it can be monetized into gil);
    – beastman repeatable quests and tradeable stuff bought with this currency (Bear Fat is the first thing which comes to mind);
    – company seals and stuff buyable for them (ventures, minium, cordial etc) – I wonder if they accept any craftable green stuff as expert deliveries?
    – Gold Saucer, chocobo racing etc – are there any worthy and tradeable stuff that you can buy for MGP (to resell for gil)?



    he wants to make a real-life income from RMT via botting (and from what I’ve seen, he’s the first one to post here and wanting to do so).

    This is also why i’m interested in making a lot of gil.

    (Like Carl has a few billion gil :P)

    O.O … I’ll look into the methods, thanks for the info guys

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