Best tank for miqo

Forum Forums Discussion Best tank for miqo


This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  pussyfoot 3 years, 6 months ago.

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    Just curious as to what might be peoples experiances tanking with miqo, and what tank class they find the easiest or the most seamless, not trying to tank raids just leveling dungeons, POTD and more basic content? astrologian has been healing quite quick i just wanna tank a bit to cap seals hella easy like.



    Any tank works just fine with miqo. What I would suggest though is turning off buffs/heals when tanking. You want to learn to make judicious cooldowns with tank busters etc. Miqo will use them, but just kind of uses them all the time. for me, I also do all the trash pulls up to the boss by hand. Miqo will often do single-target rotations when the mob is just a little too far away when an AE will still hit both.

    If I had to choose one though, I think the best one is darkknight. With TBN they are solid and they do respectable dps. Paladin requires a lot more hands on stuff simply because it has so many group cooldown/covers etc that miqo just doesn’t use. Gunbreaker does well, but I don’t feel very tanky as gun breaker. Warrior does ok, but I find it uses the burn phase at the wrong time often and I want to use it specifically during certain windows.

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