Best Tank Class for MIQO?

Forum Forums Discussion Best Tank Class for MIQO?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Andylynyn 3 years, 5 months ago.

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    Hey guys, what’s in your opinion the best tank class for MIQO to pilot in regards to combat assist? Looking to do Savage and Extremes kind of often. I understand that MIQO should not be used in harder content but I’m assuming there’s always ways to deal with that



    I only tried WAR and it works pretty good. I had to remove the gap closer though cause it would pop in situation where you have to get a way from the boss for mechanics.



    I only tried WAR and it works pretty good. I had to remove the gap closer though cause it would pop in situation where you have to get a way from the boss for mechanics.

    Should’ve just turned off the option of using dashes in Miqo, the gap closer is still a DPS gain to use on cooldown whenever you can. So you should definitely keep it on your bar

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