Best Classes to play in current state

Forum Forums Discussion Best Classes to play in current state

This topic contains 6 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  mochi21 5 years, 7 months ago.

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    I haven’t played many of the DoW/DoM classes yet but I’m trying to make a decision as to what to main since the raids are about to come out. I haven’t been using Miqo for that long nor do I know how quickly Miqo is going to adjust the rotations for combat assist. Therefore I was curious to know, what will be the best to use for the next couple of weeks and what you guys have experienced to be well enough dps/playstyle whise.

    Nirvana Flame
    Nirvana Flame

    If you want to go for pure DPS without regards how much of it Miqo can handle yourself, it would seem as if BLM, DRG and SAM are on the top.
    Out of those 3 I think the most automated rotation would be the Dragoon with having to handle 2? skills yourself.

    At least that’s what I got out of the patch notes and comparing them to the actual amount of skills.



    Just based off of how they work, I’d pick a ranged physical DPS, since their rotations can be done while moving and they’re relatively easy so it shouldn’t be hard for devs to implement an optimal rotation. Of the 3 MCH and BRD have the least amount of utility, so I’d say they’re both pretty safe bets, leaning more towards MCH if the rotation is implemented optimally. I’d stay away from dancer since they have the most utility out of all 3, so people might ask you to hold off on certain abilities, which atm the bot cannot do.

    If I were you I’d avoid melee and casters altogether, since the bot has no way of knowing when movement will be required, so it might use CD’s right before you have to move out/away, which would ring some warning bells that you’re either terrible at the game or using a rotation bot.



    Range Physical DPS will always be king because of movement limitations with Melee DPS and Casters. Bard was awesome pre ShB, RDM was really good as well but small hitches with movement and casting.

    SAM atm is not bad, you need to manage Ikishoten, Hissatsu:Senei and Tsubame-gaeshi which all have a decently long cool down.



    Redmage is actually in a pretty good place, it doesn’t use its level 80 ability yet but otherwise it works just fine. As to dps cooldowns it will only use Embolden when you’re mid melee combo and you can turn off dashes/backsteps so you can initiate the melee combo when you know you have time.



    I just want to add that if you were thinking of playing a healer, if you macro Afflatus Solus to Cure I/Cure II, and Afflatus Rapture to Medica, WHM currently plays pretty flawlessly with Miqo. The macros don’t ever seem to have any kind of lagging issues when Miqo uses them, everything is cast in a very timely manner. Solus will always be cast if a lily is available over Cure I or II, and Rapture will be cast if Medica II is up on everyone but outgoing damage has been dealt that needs to be tended to. This keeps you from having lilies capped and gives you as many Afflatus Miseries as you can get with Miqo in a run. Then all you have to manually manage is when you want to use Misery and Temperance. Here are the macros if anyone was interested:

    /micon “Cure”
    /merror off
    /ac “Afflatus Solace” <t>
    /ac “Cure” <t>

    /micon “Cure II”
    /merror off
    /ac “Afflatus Solace” <t>
    /ac “Cure II” <t>

    /micon “Medica”
    /merror off
    /ac “Afflatus Rapture”
    /ac “Medica”



    ^ BTW, if anyone is reading this and those macros don’t work for you when you copy and paste them in, make sure to re-type the double quotes. The forum is replacing the standard double quote with a different character for the quotes.

    Thanks for the macros, SefirosuKuraudo.

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