Ban wave warning

Forum Forums Discussion Ban wave warning

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Xion 2 years, 9 months ago.

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    As a result of official announcement about 3rd party application, I see some people are searching and reporting bots.

    I think many gathering grids made in early 6.0 was not desigined for natural human movement, not like the perfect shadowbringer grids…

    Can Miqo forum admin delete bad gathering grids in the list above? I worry about the massive ban wave on the grid with unatural human movement.


    Can you please tell us which grids are bad exactly? Because unfortunately we don’t have an opportunity to check them all. It would be very helpful to know specific grids that have to be deleted.

    Not Human
    Not Human

    It sounds like to me what we need is someone who is willing to donate some time to moderate and check over grids that need sprucing up (I am terrible at grids otherwise i offer) as i noticed a few of the grids suffer with the cant go to node as the bot blacklists it and some grids just get stuck on walls elpis springs to mind.



    While it’s good to revise the public grids, however, I wouldn’t jump to a conclusion and assume any player-reported bot will result in a ban/suspension.

    A GM still has to catch you and/or spot something in the game logs that indicate automation.
    I assume this thread was created after the recent ultimate raid drama where a JP streamer was suspended due to using unfair plugins/addons and was mass-reported by a group of players.

    That being said, be careful regardless and never run Miqo unattended and/or for an excessive period of time, that would flag unnatural player behavior.

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