Ban precaution? Leveling the fastest way?

Forum Forums Discussion Ban precaution? Leveling the fastest way?

This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  1234snakesnake 3 years, 5 months ago.

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    Hello, I was thinking about trying the bot for leveling and possibly mgp. I was wondering if there is any precaution I should take before using the bot regarding to not getting banned? Besides not talking about it in-game and not leaving it unattended for a long period of time. The other would be what’s the most efficient was in leveling using the bot?



    As far as being careful goes, use common sense. If you have your character doing one thing for 24 hours straight people are gonna catch on… at least if you do it in a populated area. There was a thread here that said doing the chocobo race thing more then 50 times in a row makes u a lil suspect. But take that with a grain of salt.

    The 100% full proof way of never getting banned/caught/suspected is to be at your pc at all times while the bot is doing its thing. That way you can talk to people/move locations answer gm calls etc without a worry. But, I mean you can leave it unattended too, as long as ur not doing something crazy like crafting in the same spot for 36 hours straight or something like that..

    As far as leveling… someone can correct me if I’m wrong but, I don’t really think you can just auto level your characters with this bot. you’d still have to put the work in.



    Never ever bot unattended. Don’t bot 24/7.

    Take advantage of the scenario engine and add afkbreaks so it dont look sus.

    You can use Miqo to level but you need to hit Lv20 at least in order to use Squadrons and Lv71 for Trusts.



    Thanks, I won’t leave the bot unattended and have been like changing up what I’m doing every so often. One more thing about squadron and trust dungeons, has there been any case where the GM contacts you in the middle of those at all? I just wanna use it for leveling alt classes since I’m lazy lmao.



    Thanks, I won’t leave the bot unattended and have been like changing up what I’m doing every so often. One more thing about squadron and trust dungeons, has there been any case where the GM contacts you in the middle of those at all? I just wanna use it for leveling alt classes since I’m lazy lmao.

    I leveled Samurai to 80 only in Sqaud and Trust, Now Astro leveling (almost 71 alrdy). No GM calls yet. Im turning off miqo only when im sleeping



    Thanks, I won’t leave the bot unattended and have been like changing up what I’m doing every so often. One more thing about squadron and trust dungeons, has there been any case where the GM contacts you in the middle of those at all? I just wanna use it for leveling alt classes since I’m lazy lmao.

    Can’t say 100% but i’ve been running Trust dungeons all day long while working from home and nothing happend



    ive been using miqo for squadrons from level 20 to level 70 the trusts 71 and 75 to get to 80.. i stand in my barracks.. .load in and out of dungeons in there,. no one ever sees me except when i come out to give the dude gear for more seals. run them over and over all night while i sleep.



    Just like reeeeeee, I have used Miqo to afk level all of alt characters to 80. I leave my character in the barracks. I’ve done it while at work, sleeping, out and about, etc. I load up on seals, set it to 32 Sohm Al runs, and put a shutdown timer on my computer. Once they get to 71, I switch over to Trusts.

    I currently only have 3 classes to go. Be smart about it. Don’t have people on your friend’s list, etc.

    I only enjoy playing healers, so I am so thankful for Miqo!

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