ARR Sightseeing Logs

Forum Forums Discussion ARR Sightseeing Logs

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Relief Relief 6 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #4984


    Now that the afk kick has been removed, Miqobot can be easily used to assist in getting Sightseeing logs that have rare windows. Many times, work and other obligations prevents players from being able to be online at the time a vista pops. However, I just realized that scenario scripting can be used to overcome this.

    1. Visit and make sure your computer’s time is accurate.
    2. Go to and find the vista you need. Note the scheduled real world time.
    3. Make your way to the vista.
    4. Bind /lookout or whatever the required emote is to a key.
    5. Create a scenario script to sendKey or sendIcon the emote at the real world time that the vista will pop (aim for a minute after the window begins to allow for time inaccuracy).
    6. Run the script, and go to work/school/bed.

    This should be completely safe because you be sitting afk all day, which is not suspicious.


    After reading your post I thought, man this should be easy to make into a full visit all vista script. I’ve never made a scenario, but i’ll give it a try, I still haven’t done any of the vista’s yet, so it’ll be a worthwhile project for me. I work crazy hours so I cannot give a time frame of when I’ll have it completed.

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