ARR Relic Scenario?

Forum Forums Grids and Presets ARR Relic Scenario?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Arc Arc 3 years, 6 months ago.

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    Wondering if it’s possible to use Miqo for the ARR relic books step, anyone know if there’s been an attempt on this? It’s hugely grindy and Miqo would be a huge help since everything is preset anyway


    Nope, it’s not possible because the combat assist is not compatible with the scenario scripting engine.
    You could at best try to make a scenario that navigates you to each mob’s location and kill it with a specific sendKey input, but if any other player kills even one mob that’s there it will break your scenario. Doing the dungeons can also be done via sendKey inputs. The FATEs however are impossible to do with that since they spawn randomly and there’s no way to anticipate them, and the Leves’ order is also random, plus the leves you need aren’t always available.

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