Hi! Been reviewing some of the other threads on Garuda and Holminster, and trying to see if there’s a way to automate either Lakshmi or O3N for the armored tank mounts.
I haven’t had much luck based on some of the other scripts and was wondering if someone could help me learn?
So far I’ve tried the following:
//Omega 3N
sendKey(u, 2)
key(alt+num*, 1) //wake up cursor
key(, 1) //cycle up
sendKey(num2, 0.5) //cycle down
sendKey(num2, 0.5) //cycle down
sendKey(num2, 0.5) //cycle down
sendKey(num2, 0.5) //cycle down
sendKey(num2, 0.5) //cycle down
key(NUM6) //select join
key([) //confirm
afkFor(00:00:5) //duty pop
key(alt+num*, 1) //wake up cursor
key(NUM0) //commence left
key([) //confirm
//dutypop -> start dungeon
I can start the dungeon, but nothing happens afterward.
My understanding is that tank rotations are programmed into the bot, but I’m not sure how to apply them.