Dear Miqobot,
As waiting for the combat capability of Miqobot is getting longer and longer I’m interested in possibility of using Miqobot’s ability to use its ability to read game state and interact with the game to implement my own extensions to the bot or software that would play FFXIV via Miqobot.
I’ve been attempting to write such bot myself for my own enjoyment, but I can’t be bothered to reverse-engineer enough FFXIV memory locations for it to work, not to mention the work required to keep those up to date between patches.
The idea is for Miqobot to provide some way to interact in it in programmable way – e.g. via basic REST/HTTP service, socket, whatever would be easiest to implement. Information provided via monitor tab together with list of entities as displayed by radar would suffice. Hopefully providing them would not be that hard, if you already can read them. Ability to interact with the game using Miqobot’s ability to move and use abilities would be awesome too.
Of course the idea to load own Lua/JS/whatever extensions would be enough as well, as it would allow to provide the above functionalities as custom extension anyway.
I really enjoy your product :). Looking forward to your next updates and always happy when you release alpha/beta versions!