any tips on which classes to focus on to make steady gil?

Forum Forums Discussion any tips on which classes to focus on to make steady gil?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Memer 3 years, 7 months ago.

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    shinya kogami

    for example – i like to use miqobot to help me make gil. would focusing on alchemist + botanist allow me to make steady gil selling potions? if so, please share any tips on what items to sell, how to best craft them etc. thxvm.


    Crystal/shards are tedious to gather but sell all day, everyday. Solid time investment and can be done at lower levels.

    Culinarian is the overall best gil maker in my opinion. Think high tier foods and check the markets for preferred items.

    Usually after a new patch, miner makes a fortune selling raw materials from new legendary nodes so it is essential to keep your gear melded close to cap (especially if it is not a patch where we are expecting new crafting/gathering gear). You will want to be able to start grabbing new materials asap. Prices will drop much lower over time but they sell consistently and are good income. If you can synth them into the crafted versions of whatever the raw mats make, expect between 40k-80k per item (estimate as this depends on your server economy).

    Gear is the next best selling. WVR, BSM, ARM, LTW. Take your pick. Once again, great if you can create the crafted gears while the market is hot after patch but still a solid choice for some time after.

    Furniture is a great option as well with ishgard housing coming.

    All in all, lots of ways to make gil. Just pay attention to market trends and invest some time into doing the research. Any class can make decent gil and you should really work towards capping them all at lvl80 if you want to reduce overhead from outsourcing materials and truly become self sufficient. Honestly, I only ever buy crystals. Small cost for time savings and time spent towards making profits. GL to you!


    The 2 steadiest gil sources I have found so far are:

    – Alchemist: Grade 4 Tinctures (basically the highest level buff pot)
    – Gatherers in general: Gather in the diadem via scenario.
    The materials you gather can be sold on the MB once approved at the NPC. I sell the mats that sell for more than 100 gil each, and since you can gather 2 or so stacks of each mat in the scenario per day it’s around 1-5 million gil just the mats. The skybuilders scrips I turn in for gear, which sells somewhere in the 300-600k range, as people love that glamour.
    So 1 day of diadem gathering nets me anywhere between 5-10 million gil.



    With leveled gatherers and CUL/ALC you can make a lot selling bis buffs. Just look up which to make and focus on the most profitable for your server.

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