Agedeep wood and flow Aethersands

Forum Forums Grids and Presets Agedeep wood and flow Aethersands

This topic contains 19 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by Yesbot Yesbot 5 years ago.

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  • #16695


    I encountered a problem while running…transitions between chapters running smoothly until second time in Cups then this….

    (18:32:50) Fishing starting…
    (18:32:50) Fishing for: 25 min
    (18:32:54) Fishing started.
    (18:33:14) I am one with the waves..
    (18:33:14) Nom-nom a 400 GP coridal :3
    (18:35:08) (SCENARIO) Stopping…
    (18:35:08) Well, you know, I don’t mind continuing it any time! 😉
    (18:35:08) (SCENARIO) Stopped.
    (18:35:08) Fishing stopping…
    (18:35:08) Well, you know, I don’t mind continuing it any time! 😉

    There was a bit more but didnt manage to get it. ANother question though, where are the instructions coming for the fishing porcess e.g snagging etc?



    Not sure what the problem was but the scenario works pretty well now, ran it for three cycles (while attending), would be helpful if we could use new actions so when that’s implemented it’ll be easy.


    Just curious, why do you have snagging = true?



    Hi I hav ea problem when using this grid for some reason it says excecution error at the way point, please help! thank you

    logs: 9:57:22 PM) (SCENARIO) Started:
    (9:57:22 PM) ‘fishing predator’
    (9:57:22 PM) Chapter: 1
    (9:57:22 PM) Teleporting to: ‘The Ondo Cups’
    (9:57:24 PM) I’m already there!
    (9:57:25 PM) DEBUG: Name is ambiguous. Count = 5. Grid: ‘preditor’
    (9:57:26 PM) DEBUG: Name is ambiguous. Count = 5. FishPreset: ‘collect’
    (9:57:26 PM) I am ‘FSH’ now! :3
    (9:57:28 PM) Adventure calls.. But it is ERROR! (Grid: ‘preditor’, Waypoint: 24/22)
    (9:57:28 PM) ERROR (Chapter 1, Line 8): Execution error


    Hi I hav ea problem when using this grid for some reason it says excecution error at the way point, please help! thank you

    logs: 9:57:22 PM) (SCENARIO) Started:
    (9:57:22 PM) ‘fishing predator’
    (9:57:22 PM) Chapter: 1
    (9:57:22 PM) Teleporting to: ‘The Ondo Cups’
    (9:57:24 PM) I’m already there!
    (9:57:25 PM) DEBUG: Name is ambiguous. Count = 5. Grid: ‘preditor’
    (9:57:26 PM) DEBUG: Name is ambiguous. Count = 5. FishPreset: ‘collect’
    (9:57:26 PM) I am ‘FSH’ now! :3
    (9:57:28 PM) Adventure calls.. But it is ERROR! (Grid: ‘preditor’, Waypoint: 24/22)
    (9:57:28 PM) ERROR (Chapter 1, Line 8): Execution error

    There are multiple grids with the name ‘preditor’ so miqo can’t find the right one. Either find it then change its name to something else then edit the scenario accordingly or delete all ‘preditor’ grids then re-download the said grid again.

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