Scenario Scripting Question (Fishing)

Forum Forums Discussion Scenario Scripting Question (Fishing)

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Natsura 6 years, 8 months ago.

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    Hey guys, I’m new-ish to Miqobot and I have a question. Basically, how would I type up a scenario that would work for this situation:

    Lets use Titanic Sawfish as an example, it seems like you can only fish it from 9AM to 2:59PM (Eorzean time) with Clear or Fair Skies. So I’m looking to write up a scenario where it will fish in those time frame, check the weather, fish, and repeat. I came up with this (remember, I’m very new at this) but it doesn’t work. Anyone wanna educate me?

    1) afkUntil(9:00et)
    2) goodWeather(Clear Skies)
    3) goodWeather(Fair Skies)
    4) skipBadWeather()
    5) grid(sawfish)
    6) waypoint(o)
    7) findFish(1.35)
    8) fish(12)
    9) waypoint(1)
    10) findFish(1.35)
    11) fish(12)
    12) repeatChapter(10)

    Ok, so basically (1) will wait until it’s 9AM ET to start the rest of the function. (2), (3), and (4) will ensure I will continue if the weather is ok, BUT there’s something wrong with (4) or that I don’t seem to understand the function. From the look of it, if the weather is not in the whitelisted, the bot will work for 1min then continue with the next function, but that would fail my goal cuz I would be fishing in the wrong weather. I wanted it to check the weather, if it failed, go back to function (1) and repeat until weather passed the requirement to continue. It would help greatly if you can teach me the whole scenario that would make this possible, I can learn from it for futures scenarios.

    Thank you!


    First of all try to keep each fishing session in a different chapter. Most functions work better this way. Secondly you have to keep rotating fishing spots to avoid “fish sense something amiss” message. Even if weather doesnt match you still have to cast rod at least once in this spot to reset another. Miqo functions are actually aware of this and thats why they are designed to fish for 1 min on bad weather. Also keep in mind that navigation takes time. So if you wait until 9am before navigating you will lose precious time while moving.

    What I would do is set up one waypoint for Sawfish and one somewhere else for reset. Something like this.

    //Chapter 1 – Titanic Sawfish
    goodWeather(Clear Skies)
    goodWeather(Fair Skies)

    //Chapter 2 – Reset

    You can split chapter 1 into 9:00-12:00 and 12:00-15:00 to fish in different spots but you could lose mooch opportunity so id recommend against it.



    Ok, thank you. I will test this out.

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