This might seem controversial, but in my mind it could take some pressure off the devs.
I suggest that the bot is slowly updated based on features that take more time and are more complex:
As far as I could read on the forums, the assist feature is one of the smallest changes to the bot on patch day, mostly pertaining to memory locations, a lot of users are depending on this to even play the game, myself included. If I am correct that this is one of the easier changes. making this working, will help a lot of users right away.
Knowing this is a major crafting/gathering update, I know that one will be high on the wishlist, so getting that working second might be beneficial to many as well.
Anything broken regarding scenarios, navigation, trust/squadron and overall automation coming third.
I do not represent the devs, this is just an idea that may help many, including the devs. Or it could be a downright bad idea, but post your comments if you feel you want to share in on this.
stay safe devs, Sláva Ukrayíni!
To everyone else, happy patch day.